Thursday, March 12, 2009

thank you, Mollie

I ran into this while following random links from my sister's blog in a not-a-good-day, zone-out-at-the-computer, stolen 1/2 hour a couple of weeks ago. I've kept its tab up since, but really must clean off my desktop....but, after the double-take, you so made my day, Mollie. Month.

(Since posts need pictures, also making my day is this Marimekko print, Latvassa Korkealla 162. Now it's where I can find and stare at it wistfully any time. Phew. I can close that tab, too!)


sallyavena said...

We all know you are an amazing, talented person. There is no reason to doubt it.

Mollie said...

Hi there. I did a double take too! "did she really post about me??" I'm glad that I was able to brighten your day. You certainly are an inspiration to many. Last week I created my very first freezer paper stencil (inspired by your Obama one) and made matching "friendship t-shirts" for me and an old friend. I'm starting slowly...

Cynthia said...

Fabulous! You are totally an inspiration. Keep crafting so I can too. :)

Is 1/2 hour all? I've got to get off this evil computer. I'm not sure where the day has gone. Sigh.

Snippety Gibbet said...

If the book "Dandelion Wine" had you jumping out of bed to tell me about it, then "Dandelion Wine" it is!

BTW, several people (and me too!) said they appreciated all your suggestions. I'm not as voracious a reader as you, so your list will give me guidance for quite a while. = )

Thanks! jan