Because I am crazy that way. And because part of fall for me is planning the winter giving, which I think is one of our better Western traditions: choosing a dismal-light season and expecting that we show each other a bit of love.
My soul is so cheered by a thoughtful gift , or even hearing about a good gift story. Usually, this means a handmade gift, but handgathered has its own particular beauty. One of my best gifts lately: my brother went to Mongolia this summer and brought back, for his textile-loving sister, lengths of silk. In green and aqua. And a hand-snipped paper cutting, with penned-in details and. Silk is a bit fancy for a heavily-used family room, but I'm using it to upholster my new window bench (hey, I have more if I need to remake it), where I can sit and be reminded that my family loves me and knows I have a passion for all things green and beautiful (ideas for what to do with the blue and brown?).
What have you been given that showed that same attentiveness? I know I've been a lucky giftee many times; I'll have to think about it and comment on my own post later tonight...
One of my favorite gifts:
a small harvest orange pumpkin, perfect for our small apartment from my then-barely-boyfriend's sister
thanks :)
Many years ago, I was taking up sewing for the first time as an adult. Both my sister and my husband bought me lovely sewing baskets. Neither knew the other was planning that, and I loved both baskets, and both of them for choosing them for me.
(from my mom)
Valerie, I was just thinking about thoughtful gifts and I had to remind you of the gift Paul and Christine got for Devn last Christmas. When Christine was new to us, even before they were engaged, Devn always asked her, "Do you know what the most powerful gun is? a 66 caliber. surprised you didn't know that!" I think he just wanted to have something to say to her that would let her know she wasn't being ignored. Anyway, they had a shirt made for him that had the question on the front, with a picture of a gun, and then the answer on the back. Devn was delighted! He wore that shirt more than any other piece of clothing and we all loved that moment on Christmas morning when he opened that package. It sure qualified as the "perfect present". Love, Mom
When we moved to Nashville, we only took what would fit in 2 cars and 2 car top carriers. My parents & my husband's mom came with us. On the way my MIL started an applique quilt, very organic in its design. When we would stop she would throw her piece of muslin on the hood of the car and then figure out where to put her flowers that she would use a bag of scraps and design the flowers and she went. It took her about 3 years to finish the quilt. She entered it in the UT quilters guild show and won "People's Choice." About 4 years ago for Christmas she gave the quilt to me. Even now it makes me tear up. Every time I look at it I think of the trip and how much I love my MIL and how grateful I am to have her.
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