I squeezed in an estate auction last week and it was way too fun. I could only stay a couple of hours (Marian had earned--for eating vegetables--a date with her dad to
Monsters Vs. Aliens, so we had to leave), but too-quickly amassed a pile of goodies. You just motion as the price rises and then no one else bids and suddenly it's yours. Only once was my "oops" really sincere, and I was only out $4, so the horror factor was low (little bowls, not pictured).

I've only been to a couple of auctions, and am so fascinated by the whole process: who attends, what this un-named individual has amassed during his/her/their lifetime, what items soar up in a bid war, what goes for $1. The people watching is really great, as is the watching of Valerie; I find my own mental machinations endlessly fascinating, and easily slip into a third-person self characterization. I put in an absentee bid (losing) for a great child's roll top desk, and have been spinning over its loss all week:
I should have driven back and won it! Oh, my, what would I have ended up spending?
Audrey would have loved it! An absentee bid is such a good idea: this way I
cannot go over my limit ($25 over what Nathan suggested).
Oh, it matched my desk... I should always do absentee bids on the big ticket items.
Where would we store it before the move anyway? I want it.
Give it up, little brain. Et cetera.
The linens above--most actually
linen--I also bid on absentee, and won (exciting Monday phone message). They were heavily starched, and more yellowed than I realized until I soaked them and saw the water. The green striped are my favorite. The linens in the top picture are really delicate, and each a napkins-plus-small-tablecloth set. Tea parties only, I suppose. I cannot imagine washing greasy tomato sauce out of them...

This particular auction house--the closest to our home--holds regular Friday night auctions, and I have a practical reason for attending: garden tools.
Dangerous, I think to myself...of myself.

Box of
linen linens: $5
Glass terrarium: $1
Box of child's 45 records: $4
Which auction house did you go to? Kenny's? John used to go regularly. Our kitchen furniture was bought at an auction in Indianapolis. We used to frequent them. If you want company at another, let me know. I haven't been in ages.
I have never ever bid at an auction. For some reason, I am intimidated. That's probably a good thing. I am an eBay-a-holic though. Oh, and a thrift store fiend. I have to make myself stay away. (Though after reading you post about printing on flour sack towels, I ebayed a bunch of them.)
I am hunting for a red moonglow necklace. I guess I should start going estate sale shopping. Could be fun. Excellent linen finds.
hey so the old records reminded me...I think grandma said she had some old ones...you will have to ask her about them...
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