Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4 am

The time I finished glazing last night. I just cannot seem to do it any other way. The great thing about working at a university is that I was not all alone in the building...

Such love to my long suffering husband who was up with the baby when I came home. Thawing a second bottle of breastmilk. Working on taxes.

But also kudos to Reuben, who wasn't a screamer. "He was just kicking around, doing his penguin flippers thing for awhile, until I decided, 'I guess I need to feed that kid.'"

Photos: that kid, admiring the spring garland hanging from our chandelier yesterday. And the other funny little kid, who had to change her whole outfit this morning to be a cowgirl.


nyjlm said...

those eyelashes framing those eyes! wow, what a gorgeous baby!

Marian's outfit is adorable! and I think I spy boots that Maya used to have- are they super duper hot pink? She wore those all the time till they were too small.

sallyavena said...

Clara has the same outfit on today. Loving the outfit of Marian's.

Snippety Gibbet said...

That girl has style!!!

Cynthia said...

Love Love Love the darlings. I think I need more sleep or maybe it's less. I just can't find enough time in the day.

cfm said...

WOW eyelashes!! Kita has one really long one...I hope the others catch up!