Saturday, August 22, 2009

too good not to share

*Our family always planted radishes. Not because anyone actually liked them, much, but we planted them because they were the first ready to harvest. I can picture one of our great old Corelle plates with hose-washed radishes and a pile of salt to dip them in.

In this, our family's inaugural garden, we skipped the radishes. But I saw a link to this precious tutorial today and so of course we will be planting them next year :).

*While waiting for our room to be ready at the Ronald McDonald house this week, I browsed a copy of a chasing fireflies catalog and oh-my-if-i-were-richie my daughters might wear those clothes exclusively. Since I'm not, I am very sewing-inspired for this fall. I showed the catalog to my husband, and he said this: "Oh, I don't know. Those are almost too cute; like they know they're cute. Totally the sort of clothes rich people dress their kids in." "I know!" I answered right back. "Because they're totally amazing, that's why" (me and Junie B.). Anyway, they have charming accessories and costumes, too. I've seen a couple of their items in the artists' shops before, but this is a very-well curated collection. Plus, photograph something in the woods and I'm a super sucker for it.

*Or, it appears, on the lawn because I cannot get my mind off of this:
She's mine. Well, my niece, anyway. Who was here just a couple of weeks ago... (choke back sob of loneliness for her...). Oh, yeah, she made that great headband with her auntie V.


stgraham said...

Not being a radish fan myself. nor a radish eating family, I may have to plant some next year too, just for this. Adorable!!

Mindy said...

I just finished browsing that same catalog like 15 minutes ago. And agree, without the benefit of sewing expertise. I guess I can just dream. . .

sallyavena said...

Wow, I didn't keep going down to see all of the new posts. Great clothing line! I've been looking for a pattern for a shirt dress for Sophia's school clothes and have yet to find one. I love the 2 button all the way down in the front dresses they have in this line, now if I could only find a pattern, so I don't have to spend an arm and a leg...