Thursday, April 26, 2007

nature babies

Remember the little leaf baby I wrote about? I've gone gangbusters with the idea of stitching up sets of nature babies. I tried to bring part to the hospital to work on while I waited around yesterday, but (1) can hardly concentrate there, and (2) I really need to work on my French knots. Today's serendipity was a referral to this thorough French knot tutorial on Primrose Design from How About Orange (a simply lovely list of tutorials she's found are listed here). More blogs to bookmark! Anyway, French knots & The Office tonight...oh, and that laundry...
The sets I'm starting with, to try out in the shop: (from top L, clockwise) spring, summer, fall, winter, vegetables, fruits, leaves. I think I'll make some sold individually, too. I want them, anyway! even though I'm feeling a little angst about not using natural materials...fleece just has some great properties!

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