Saturday, January 17, 2009


We were talking at dinner tonight about the packages we were expecting (and won't be getting here on Monday because of the holiday, which we do appreciate for different reasons, of course), and had to laugh at the names, all so us:

Audrey: MindWare
Marian: Magic Cabin
Valerie: All About Cute & Zippitydooda
Goat: Sage Cycles


My friend Shannon told me once that she envisions the UPS man coming every day, dropping off packages at our door. I think she thought it was hyperbole, but add Mr. FedEx and Ms. Postal Service, and YUP. In our defense, I won the bag in a Design Mom giveaway & Marian & Audrey are using giftcards from our landlord (to WalMart, but I elected to use those on diapers & give them credits at their favorite stores). What about my defense? asks goat, after he has A read this aloud. Okay: he's been riding on broken wheels for 2 months. And for my cycling man, that is a whole lotta miles.

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