*Our favorite cross race (that's cyclocross bicycle racing, for those of you whose lives aren't taken up with such) in Hagerstown.
*My church's semiannual general conference.
*The best indie craft fair within a reasonable distance from me.
#3 always loses.
But this year A is old enough to watch the young 'uns while Daddy races and Daddy is quite understanding of the "me time" concept (indulges).
and #2 I caught Sunday and can watch/listen to Saturday's sessions online anytime.
#3 won! I bought Nathan a couple of birthday presents (tomorrow!) and found something for Marian for Christmas, but I'm afraid I bought for self.
*A t-shirt with the awesome logo above

*and these earrings. Wanted them since not going last year.... Very tiny and beautiful.

They have their own laser-cutting machine to play with. The Best. Toy. Ever.
Plus some other little things.
Like a great deal on the sweetest (and littlest) farmhouse EVER. Buy a similar one for more here: The Oak Leaves.
Some cards and such.
And free etsy bumper stickers, pins, lip gloss... Hooray for etsy!
(I rather regret not buying this set:
and the prettiest deer/tall pines wood cut from them.
Oh, snap! They were cheaper there, too, but by then I'd been quite the economy booster....)