Tuesday, October 4, 2011

oh, they're crafty!

The first weekend in October is always triple-busy:

*Our favorite cross race (that's cyclocross bicycle racing, for those of you whose lives aren't taken up with such) in Hagerstown.

*My church's semiannual general conference.

*The best indie craft fair within a reasonable distance from me.

#3 always loses.
But this year A is old enough to watch the young 'uns while Daddy races and Daddy is quite understanding of the "me time" concept (indulges).

and #2 I caught Sunday and can watch/listen to Saturday's sessions online anytime.

#3 won! I bought Nathan a couple of birthday presents (tomorrow!) and found something for Marian for Christmas, but I'm afraid I bought for self.

*A t-shirt with the awesome logo above

*This fine sense of wonder print for my getting-prettier-basement (already framed-and-hung, which is a miracle worth wondering at itself):
*and these earrings. Wanted them since not going last year.... Very tiny and beautiful.
They have their own laser-cutting machine to play with. The Best. Toy. Ever.

Plus some other little things.
Like a great deal on the sweetest (and littlest) farmhouse EVER. Buy a similar one for more here: The Oak Leaves.

Some cards and such.

And free etsy bumper stickers, pins, lip gloss... Hooray for etsy!

(I rather regret not buying this set:
and the prettiest deer/tall pines wood cut from them.

Oh, snap! They were cheaper there, too, but by then I'd been quite the economy booster....)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Starting to fill the shop again. I finished a kiln-load in August, but my entrepreneurial spirit is, um, rather lacking...

Six new listings tonight and more to come :). Shop or just peek here.

This little sweetheart probably needed better scale in the photo: a quarter makes a perfect lid!